94. Role of Parliament
(1) The legislative authority of the Republic is derived from the people and, at the national level, is vested in and exercised by Parliament.
(2) Parliament manifests the diversity of the nation, represents the will of the people, and exercises their sovereignty.
(3) Parliament may consider and pass amendments to this Constitution, and alter county boundaries as provided for in this Constitution.
(4) Parliament shall protect this Constitution and promote the democratic governance of the Republic.
(5) No person or body, other than Parliament, has the power to make provision having the force of law in Kenya except under authority conferred by this Constitution or by legislation.
(6) An Act of Parliament, or legislation of a county, that confers on any State organ, State officer or person the authority to make provision having the force of law in Kenya, as contemplated in clause (5), shall expressly specify the purpose and objectives for which that authority is conferred, the limits of the authority, the nature and scope of the law that may be made, and the principles and standards applicable to the law made under the authority.
- < 93. Establishment of Parliament
- 95. Role of the National Assembly >
The Constitution of Kenya
- Preamble
- Chapter One - Sovereignty of the People and Supremacy of this Constitution
- Chapter Two - The Republic
- Chapter Three - Citizenship
- Chapter Four - The Bill of Rights
- Chapter Five - Land and Environment
- Chapter Six - Leadership and Integrity
- Chapter Seven - Representation of the People
- Chapter Eight - The Legislature
- Chapter Nine - The Executive
- Chapter Ten - Judiciary
- Chapter Eleven - Devolved Government
- Chapter Twelve - Public Finance
- Chapter Thirteen - The Public Service
- Chapter Fourteen - National Security
- Chapter Fifteen - Commissions and Independent Offices
- Chapter Sixteen - Amendment of this Constitution
- Chapter Seventeen - General Provisions
- Chapter Eighteen - Transitional and Consequential Provisions
- Schedules - Schedules
Commissioners Charter
- Article 1: Interpretation of Terms
- Article 10: Meetings
- Article 11: Commitment
- Article 12: Meetings by Technology
- Article 13: Committees of the Commission
- Article 14: Independence in Decision Making
- Article 15: Conflict of Interest
- Article 16: Confidentiality
- Article 17: Dissent by a Member
- Article 18: Induction and Capacity Development
- Article 19: Performance Evaluation
- Article 2: Background
- Article 20: Review of Charter
- Article 21: Commitment to the Charter
- Article 3: Objectives of the Charter
- Article 4: Conduct
- Article 5: Vision, Mission and Values
- Article 6: Scope of Responsibility
- Article 7: The Role and Responsibility of the Chairperson
- Article 8: The Role and Responsibilities of Commissioners
- Article 9: The Role and Responsibilities of the Commission Secretary