Subdivision Process

Subdivision is the process of altering legal property boundaries. Most often this involves the division of a larger property into smaller lots. It may also include the realignment of an existing property, or the consolidation of one or more properties into a single parcel.

Legislation regulating the subdivision process can be found in the Local Government Act, and the Land Title Act of British Columbia. In New Westminster the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 7142, 2007 requires that all subdivisions be approved by the City’s Approving Officer. The Director of Engineering Services has been appointed by Council as the City’s Approving Officer.

The subdivision process ensures that:

We have more information about subdivisions in this guide: Subdivisions Guide. For more information, please contact the Engineering Department at 604-527-4592 or at if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss your application.

Subdivision Process

Step 1 - Pre-Application Before submitting your written application, confirm the feasibility of the subdivision with the Planning staff in Development Services. Step 2 - Submit Application Please note: There are new fees and rates for 2024 Submit application with application fee, all required documentation and plans to the Engineering Department. Step 3 - Application Review The application is circulated to various City departments and Provincial Ministries where applicable and the servicing requirements are identified. Step 4 - Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) A preliminary approval letter is issued by the Approving Officer outlining the servicing requirements if the subdivision is supported. Requirements may include entering into a Works & Services Agreement with the City for construction of the site servicing. Step 5 - Works & Services Agreement If a Works & Services Agreement is required, an Engineering Consultant must be retained to prepare detailed site servicing drawings and provide inspections during construction. Step 6 - Final Approval Once all conditions for servicing the subdivision have been met, including payment of all fees, deposits and entering into a Works & Services Agreement the final subdivision plan will be considered for approval by the Approving Officer. Step 7 - Registration with Land Title Office Subdivision is registered with the Land Title Office and the Works and Services are completed. For more information, please call 604-527-4592 if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss your application.